Geometric Shapes

We chose geometric shapes, like the square and triangle, as the primary forms of this furniture collection. The primary forms give users many different combinations of the furniture. As a designer, I always put users at the center of the design; in this case, give back creativity to users, and let them create their very own perfect temporary or permanent homes.

Depends on size of rooms, users can choose which ones to buy and use the combination they prefer to customize their interior space, bigger or smaller.

Just remove one or two and rearrange the order of the furniture, users can have a different space in their living room.

Tea table/couch

This tea table has a book shelf beside it and a foldable cushion on it, which could be removed when needed. It could be used as a couch when people come, or an extra sofa bed for one. This multi-fuction tea table gives users the opportunity to use it in the way they want.

Stool with side table

This stool could be used as a small couch or leg rest. People could use three or four of it to create a bigger couch for their living room. The stool is consist of three parts: a cushion, a straw wood part and the metal leg. And it's easy to separate each part while transporting.

Couch back/divider

This is a couch back, which could be put anywhere users want in a room. It could be used as a divider as well; to separate different spaces in the living room.

Small tables

We want to make tables more fun and bring young vibes to users' living rooms. For example, you can used a table as a book shelf, a flowerpot. We usually put out plants on a table, but why not just plant it in the "table"? So we made a table into a small sink, where users can grow a plant in. We designed another table as a small shelf where users could put books and other stuff on. And of course we don't define the purpose of those furnitures, we leave them to users.

Multi-functional trolley cart

This trolley has three shelves and two wheels. Users could put books, candles or other stuff on the shelves. It's easy to move around, so users could use it for different purposes, like a table beside the couch or a book shelf against a wall.