Make trash can easier to clean

To us, cleaning a trash can might be simple. But city cleaners need to clean many of them every day, and it's a heavy work to do for them. In this product design, our solution for it is shortening the cleaning process of a trash can. We came up with the system consisting of a bottom can be opened trash can and a cleaning cart, which is used to remove trash. With this system, the leaning process can be shortened to three steps from four, which could save a lot of work for city cleaners.

City oasis

The form language of the trash can design is consistency with the rest of the series. The "Shan Shui" inspired organic shape brings natural vibes to the central park, creating a isolated oasis in the center of the city, where people can have a rest from the fast pace.

Signage system

The signage design is inspired by the shape of pebbles in a river, bringing nature feelings to public facilities. We also integrated a lighting system inside each sign, so the public signs could also be used as lighting sources for the park during night.

Public bench

This is another public bench proposal for the central park.